I hope you run for President in 2028, I liked you & your substance from the moment I saw you. I FEEL God put you & President Trump together. I'm sick of us giving all that money away.

God bless You, your family, Pres Trump, Melania & family.

Joanne H


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Zelenskyy is a problem and he is on a string being pulled by his puppeteer.

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Fuck Vance…. A traitor to the USA

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Wow, you sure know how to convince readership just how juvenile you are! Please crawl back under the rock...

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I am juvenile? 😂😂😂

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Interesting, how you allow Zakcoder to use the F-word, but, didn't let me reply, not using any cuss words to his post!

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It went off the rails when Vance opened up his pie hole…

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You need to clean up your act, rather than resort to childish behavior and nasty comments using pie hole. Grow up; or, simply stop commenting trash!

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I can only assume you are MAGA or did not watch what Vance did.

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