WOW, America REALLY did dodge a bullet on November 5 when we chose to elect President Donald Trump over Vice President Kamala Harris!
During her farewell speech to the American people, Kamala made it abundantly clear that he American people made the right choice in kicking her to the curb in the 2024 election.
Harris said, “I am fully aware that I am the public face of a lot of our work and so I have the benefit of running into people all over our country who thank me.”
That was such a bold-faced lie, that her husband, standing alongside her, had to look down at the ground just to avoid busting out laughing.
Together, President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have given us, record inflation, record illegal immigration, a dumpster fire of an economy, and endless wars across the globe.
Forgive me for not buying the idea that people are running up to her to “thank her” for those things.
Kamala also said that she’s not going anywhere even though… she’s literally being kicked out office.
“It is not my nature to go quietly into the night,” Harris said with one of her painfully awkward cackles.
Thank god we don’t have to suffer through four more years of this!
Watch the video here to see Low-IQ Kamala yapping away (hopefully for the last time as an elected official).