As the Trump administration continues to expose the many ways in which the federal government has been STEALING our tax dollars, the Democrats continue to grow more nervous that this could be the END of their party – here’s why.
All of the federal waste exposed thus far by President Donald Trump’s administration has led back to one common denominator: the Democratic Party.
Whether it’s USAID funding transgender operas in random foreign countries to advance liberal views across the world or putting left-wing mainstream media outlets on the government’s payroll to turn them into shadow-state-run media operations – ALL OF IT has conveniently benefited the Democrats.
Basically, this means that the Democratic party only exists today BECAUSE they’ve been able to take our tax dollars and use them as their own personal war chest to do whatever it takes for them to stay in power.
For conservatives like you and I, this is disgusting, of course, but not entirely surprising.
However, the problem for the Democrats is that THEIR voters are seeing all of this and FINALLY realizing that they’ve been duped!
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Benjamin Cross
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One such Democrat posted a video online UNLOADING on the party after coming to this realization themselves, saying “The Democratic Party have lied to us about everything.”
New York City resident, Isaiah L. Carter – a former die-hard Democrat – said that the last several weeks have proven that the Democratic party is nothing more than a “cadre of criminals and losers and spoiled children.”
“This party lied to me, while stealing my tax dollars. The Democratic party lied to us all” Carter said. “I’m disgusted beyond words.”
The Democratic party will NEVER recover from this. They are finished.
Watch the video here to see the rest of his epic rant against the treasonous left-wing party.