Are We Ever Going to Get Answers on the Trump Assassination Attempts?
Did something almost happen to President Trump back in September? We have sort of a vague recollection that something shocking took place. Something about an assassination attempt? Does anyone remember that?
It’s been so effectively memory-holed by the mainstream media that it’s almost like Ryan Routh never came within a few yards of killing the guy who will be the next president.
Mike Benz is a former State Department official who specialized in cybersecurity and he’s the current Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online. He sat down with Benny Johnson to talk about his own personal investigation into Ryan Routh.
Benz has managed to uncover more facts about Routh than the entire mainstream media and Congress put together. Some of the stuff that he found out was shocking and we had never heard of it before.
For example, when Routh showed up in Ukraine during his big recruitment drive for foreign fighters, he delivered 120 US military drones to the Ukrainians. Where did he get the money for 120 US military drones? And by the way, our military drone program is run by the CIA.
We’re also shocked that this video only has about 11,000 views on YouTube, given the revelations that Benz has uncovered. Please share this and spread the word about it, because it’s important: